The let-down year, 2022
Sorry, there's not much here. I was busy doing cool PHP stuff to make this website even easier and simpler for me to work on.
Web clients, browsers, and backends
29 JAN, 2022
How to track actual web browser client sessions in realtime, server-side - with WebSockets!
Digital colour (and HDR)
27 AUG, 2022
A description of digital colour representation and standards, for both SDR and HDR, as well as how they are output from a monitor.
A masterclass in bad HCI
2 NOV, 2022
Awful descriptions that are technically correct, but endlessly confusing.
3D video storage and transmission
8 DEC, 2022
How do you store 3D video in a file? How do you transmit 3D video over a regular HDMI cable to a display? It's not simple, unfortunately.